RoMan Fixture Type Transformer FOR SALE

IN-STOCK and Available Now from Weld Systems Integrators

RoMan Fixture Type transformers are water-cooled and ideal for multi-spot welding fixtures. Designed to have industry standard RWMA staggered secondary lugs, 3/8 – 16 studs for primary voltage connection, multiple selections for frequencies and secondary voltages, with primary access on five sides, over temperature thermoswitch and 1/4 – 18 NPT water connections.  The size and capability of our Fixture Transformer units can be designed to meet your application’s requirements.

RoMan fixture type transformers feature:

  • KVA Range:  25 KVA – 200 KVA (rated at 50% duty cycle)
  • Primary Voltages:  400 Volts (50Hz), 480 Volts (60Hz), 575 Volts (60Hz)
  • Fully encapsulated to ensure long life
  • Optional accessories:
    1. Secondary Parallel Bar Kit
    2. Secondary Series Bar Kit
    3. Grounding Reactors
    4. Available remotely mounted Switchgear / Tap Switch
    5. Over temperature thermoswitches
RoMan Fixture Transformer | Weld Systems Integrators
Fixture Type Transformers: A - E - B - J - JL Frame - with or without optional Parallel Bar Kit

RoMan Fixture Type Transformers: A – E – B – J – JL Frame
(With or without optional Parallel Bar Kit)

480 volt / 60 HZ – RWMA Staggered Lug Secondary

KVA Rating Frame Letter Secondary Turns Ratio (TR) & Volts (V) Model *Wt.
Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4
35 A 186:1 2.58 168:1 2.86 153:1 3.14 137:1 3.50 F48635A1SELX 140
45 E 155:1 3.10 140:1 3.43 126:1 3.81 114:1 4.21 F48635A1SELX 170
55 B 138:1 3.48 122:1 3.93 106:1 4.53 92:1 5.22 F48655B1SELX 185
60 A 134:1 3.58 120:1 4.00 108:1 4.44 96:1 5.00 F48655B1SELX 140
65 J 105:1 4.57 93:1 5.16 82:1 5.85 72:1 6.67 F48655B1SELX 225
70 E 118:1 4.07 102:1 4.71 91:1 5.27 80:1 6.00 F48655B1SELX 170
85 B 89:1 5.39 81:1 5.93 74:1 6.49 68:1 7.06 F48655B1SELX 185
90 JL 80:1 6.00 70:1 6.86 63:1 7.62 56:1 8.57 F48655B1SELX 270
120 J 67:1 7.16 62:1 7.74 57:1 8.42 53:1 9.06 F48655B1SELX 225
150 JL 51:1 9.41 48:1 10.00 45:1 10.67 42:1 11.43 F48655B1SELX 270

* KVA Rating @ 50% Duty Cycle
* Primary Connection: 3/8-16 studs
* Drawing #R4506 available on request
* Parallel Bar Kit Drawing #R1958 available on request
* Grounding Reactor: RGR 24/4-1099
* Approx. Weight – add 6 lbs. for Parallel Bar Kit

One Ground Reactor is required for each set of secondary lugs used, unless a Parallel Bar Kit is installed.

RoMan Parallel Bar Kits and Grounding Reactors are NOT INCLUDED with RoMan Fixture Type Transformers, but can be added as part of your Quote Request.

Fixture Type Transformers: A - E - B - J - JL Frame - with Series Bar Kit

Fixture Type Transformers: A – E – B – J – JL Frame
(With Series Bar Kit)

480 volt / 60 HZ – RWMA Staggered Lug Secondary

KVA Rating Frame Letter Secondary Turns Ratio (TR) & Volts (V) Model Wt. with Series Bar Kit
Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4
35 A 186:2 5.16 168:2 5.72 153:2 6.28 137:2 7.00 F48635A1SELX 144
45 E 155:2 6.20 140:2 6.86 126:2 7.62 114:2 8.42 F48645E1SELX 174
55 B 138:2 6.96 122:2 7.86 106:2 9.06 92:2 10.44 F48655B1SELX 189
60 A 134:2 7.16 120:2 8.00 108:2 8.88 96:2 10.00 F48660A1SELX 144
65 J 105:2 9.14 93:2 10.32 82:2 11.70 72:2 13.34 F48665J1SELX 229
70 E 118:2 8.14 102:2 9.42 91:2 10.54 80:2 12.00 F48670E1SELX 174
85 B 89:2 10.78 81:2 11.86 74:2 12.98 68:2 14.12 F48685B1SELX 189
90 JL 80:2 12.00 70:2 13.72 63:2 15.24 56:2 17.14 F48690JL1SELX 274
120 J 67:2 14.32 62:2 15.48 57:2 16.84 53:2 18.12 F486120J1SELX 229
150 JL 51:2 18.82 48:2 20.00 45:2 21.34 42:2 22.86 F486150JL1SELX 274
* KVA Rating @ 50% Duty Cycle
* Primary Connection: 3/8-16 studs
* Drawing #R4506 available on request
* Series Bar Kit Drawing #R2361 available on request
* Grounding Reactor: RGR 24/4-1099

One Ground Reactor is required for each set of secondary lugs used, unless a Parallel Bar Kit is installed.

RoMan Series Bar Kits and Grounding Reactors are NOT INCLUDED with RoMan Fixture Type Transformers, but can be added as part of your Quote Request.

Fixture Type Transformers: AS - ES - BS - JS - DS Frame

Fixture Type Transformers: AS – ES – BS – JS – DS Frame

480 volt / 60 HZ – Single Secondary

5 – 3/4″ x 9 – 1/4″

KVA Rating Frame Letter Secondary Turns Ratio (TR) & Volts (V) Model Wt.
Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4
25 AS 132:1 3.63 119:1 4.03 106:1 4.52 96:1 5.00 F48625AS1SDLX 106
35 ES 104:1 4.60 95:1 5.05 87:1 5.52 80:1 6.00 F48635ES1SDLX 120
45 BS 87:1 5.51 81:1 5.92 75:1 6.40 67:1 7.16 F48645BS1SDLX 143
65 JS 66:1 7.20 61:1 7.87 57:1 8.42 53:1 9.00 F48665JS1SDLX 172
80 DS 52:1 9.20 48:1 10.00 44:1 10.91 42:1 11.50 F48680DS1SDLX 215

* KVA Rating @ 50% Duty Cycle
* Primary Connection: 5/6-18 studs
* Drawing #R4546 available on request
* Grounding Reactor: RGR 24/4-1099

One Ground Reactor is required for each set of secondary lugs used, unless a Parallel Bar Kit is installed.

Fixture Type Transformers: C - D - F - DL Frame - with or without optional Parallel Bar Kit

Fixture Type Transformers: C – D – F – DF Frame
(With or without optional Parallel Bar Kit)

480 volt / 60 HZ

80 – 200 KVA

KVA Rating Frame Letter Secondary Turns Ratio (TR) & Volts (V) Model
Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4 Tap 5
80 C 96:1 5.00 86:1 5.58 78:1 6.15 70:1 6.86 63:1 7.62 F48680C1SELX
100 D 70:1 6.60 65:1 7.40 61:1 7.90 57:1 8.40 53:1 9.00 F486100D1SELX
120 C 68:1 7.06 64:1 7.50 60:1 8.00 56:1 8.57 53:1 9.06 F486120C1SELX
125 F 61:1 7.80 56:1 8.60 52:1 9.20 48:1 10.00 NA NA F486125F1SELX
150 D 52:1 9.23 48:1 10.00 44:1 10.91 41:1 11.71 NA NA F486150D1SELX
150 F 52:1 9.20 48:1 10.00 48:1 10.00 40:1 12.20 NA NA F486150F1SELX
150 DL 51:1 9.40 47:1 10.21 44:1 10.91 41:1 11.70 NA NA F486150DL1SELX
200 DL 38:1 12.63 35:1 13.71 33:1 14.55 31:1 15.48 NA NA F486200DL1SELX

One Ground Reactor is required for each set of secondary lugs used, unless a Parallel Bar Kit is installed.

RoMan Parallel Bar Kits and Grounding Reactors are NOT INCLUDED with RoMan Fixture Type Transformers, but can be added as part of your Quote Request

* KVA Rating @ 50% Duty Cycle
* Primary Connection: 3/8 – 16 studs
* Drawing #R4503 available on request
* Parallel Bar Kit Drawing #R1958 available on request
* Grounding Reactor: RGR 24/4-1099
* Approx. Weight – add 6 lbs. for Parallel Bar Kit

Fixture Type Transformers: C - D - F - DL Frame - with Series Bar Kit

Fixture Type Transformers: C – D – F – DF Frame
(With Series Bar Kit)

480 volt / 60 HZ

80 – 200 KVA

KVA Rating Frame Letter Secondary Turns Ratio (TR) & Volts (V) Model
Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Tap 4 Tap 5
80 C 96:2 10.00 86:2 11.16 78:2 12.31 70:2 13.71 63:2 15.24 F48680C1SELX
100 D 70:2 13.71 65:2 14.77 61:2 15.74 57:2 16.84 53:2 10.32 F486100D1SELX
120 C 68:2 14.12 64:2 15.00 60:2 16.00 56:2 17.14 53:2 10.32 F486120C1SELX
125 F 61:2 15.74 56:2 17.14 52:2 18.46 48:2 23.41 NA NA F486125F1SELX
150 D 52:2 18.46 48:2 20.00 44:2 21.82 41:2 23.41 NA NA F486150D1SELX
150 F 52:2 18.46 48:2 20.00 48:2 21.82 40:2 24.00 NA NA F486150F1SELX
150 DL 51:2 18.82 47:2 20.43 44:2 21.82 41:2 23.41 NA NA F486150DL1SELX
200 DL 38:2 25.26 35:2 27.43 33:2 29.09 31:2 30.96 NA NA F486200DL1SELX

One Ground Reactor is required for each set of secondary lugs used, unless a Parallel Bar Kit is installed.

RoMan Parallel Bar Kits and Grounding Reactors are NOT INCLUDED with RoMan Fixture Type Transformers, but can be added as part of your Quote Request

* KVA Rating @ 50% Duty Cycle
* Primary Connection: 3/8 – 16 studs
* Drawing #R4503 available on request
* Parallel Bar Kit Drawing #R2361 available on request
* Grounding Reactor: RGR 24/4-1099
* Approx. Weight – add 6 lbs. for Parallel Bar Kit

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Weld Systems Integrators (WSI) is your complete source for standard and custom resistance welders, consumables, spare and replacement parts and value added services. We offer WORLDWIDE shipping from our Warrensville Heights, OH location.

CONTACT Weld Systems Integrators, or REQUEST A QUOTE on standard IN-STOCK inventory or fully custom welding equipment. To speak with a WSI team member, please give us a call at 844-WSI-WELD or +1-216-475-5629.

© RoMan Manufacturing