Used WSI-Series Trans-Gun Bridge Rail System FOR SALE from Weld Systems Integrators

WSI Stock / Serial #: W-3094

Used / remanufactured WSI-Series Trans-Gun Bridge Rail System in excellent condition. Package includes all hardware for a 10′ x 10′ system. Also included are 3x cable carriers, full parts list and assembly instructions. Completely tested. Immediate availability and 90 day warranty.

If you have any questions on used equipment available from Weld Systems Integrators, please call 844-WSI-WELD or +1-216-475-5629 and ask to speak with a WSI Engineer.


SPECIFICATIONS WSI Stock / Serial #: W-3094
Manufacturer Name: Weld Systems Integrators
Type: Trans-Gun Bridge Rail System
Mfg. Model #: BRA-1010
General Condition: Used Bridge Rail in great shape. Package includes all hardware for a 10′ x 10′ system. Also included are 3x cable carriers, full parts list and assembly instructions.
Additional Details:
Warranty: 90 days
Availability: Immediate


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If you have any questions on used equipment available from Weld Systems Integrators, please call 844-WSI-WELD or +1-216-475-5629 and ask to speak with a WSI Engineer.

Enter WSI Stock / Serial #: W-3094 on the following quote request form.

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    If you have any issues submitting this form, please call 844-WSI-WELD or 216-475-5629.


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